Free Devotional Studies

Heavenly Places Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into the book of Ephesians in this devotional study that's based on the key idea of heavenly places. Paul is inviting us to see beyond this material world.

Above All Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into the book of Ephesians in this devotional study that's based on the the theme of supremacy. Paul is calling us to a higher life and it starts with Jesus being above all.

Deadness Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into the book of Ephesians in this devotional study that's based on the key idea of deadness. Death connects to our new reality in Christ in so many ways. Check it out!

Promise Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into the book of Ephesians in this devotional study that's based on the key idea of promises. There's so much depth to the promises of God that we need to know.

Fullness Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into the book of Ephesians in this devotional study that's based on the key idea of fullness. Believers need to understand how and why God has filled them for His eternal purposes.

Creation Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into the book of Ephesians in this devotional study that's based on the key idea of create. We've been created into something new and it goes much deeper than we think.

Power Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into the book of Ephesians in this devotional study that's based on the key idea of power (energy). Paul is inviting us to live in the power of God daily.

Inheritance Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into the book of Ephesians in this devotional study that's based on the key idea of inheritance. There's so much we inherit in Christ, but its our job to understand it.

In Love Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into this devotional study that's based on the key idea of being in love. The love of God is a repeating theme in Ephesians that changes everything for us.

Glory Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into this devotional study that's based on the key idea of glory. The glory of God frames up the entire letter to the Ephesians and its a game changer when you see it.
Mystery Devotional Study
Take a deep dive into this devotional study that's based on the key idea of mystery. There's mystery all throughout the book of Ephesians and God has allowed us to know these secrets by His Spirit.